Familias dos mineiros soterrados no Chile, vão processar governo e mineradora

    Representantes das famílias dos mineiros soterrados informaram que pretendem pedir indenizações ao governo chileno e à empresa San Esteban, responsável pela mina. A decisão foi anunciada durante reunião com a prefeita de San José, Brunilda González, na última quarta-feira.

    Nenhum valor foi definido, mas, para a prefeita, o ideal é pedir uma quantia calculada em dólares para cada trabalhador soterrado.

    Enquanto isso, continuam os esforços de resgate dos mineradores. O assessor do Ministério do Interior Cristian Barra afirmou que, apesar dos avanços nas operações de resgate, o governo mantém a previsão de saída para a primeira semana de novembro.

    As perfuradoras que escavam para retirar os mineiros do subsolo trabalham sem parar desde o começo da semana. A média dos avanços foi de 50 metros a cada 48 horas. Os mineradores trabalham em turnos de oito horas para remover os escombros da operação.

    O responsável pelo acompanhamento da saúde das vítimas, Jean Romagnoli, disse que o estado geral dos trabalhadores é bom. De acordo com ele, todos eles têm condições de deixar o abrigo a qualquer momento.

    Fonte: eBand Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Eleições de 03 de Outubro - IMPOSTOMETRO

    O dia das Eleições está chegando!
    Poxa é um dia importante para o futuro do país, ou pelo menos deveria ser. É triste ter que admitir que não acredito na polica do meu país, não pela politica em si, mas pelos politicos do nosso país. " Ah! então é a hora de mudar!" é oque ouvimos, mas não é a verdade, se assim fosse o Brasil deveria ser o melhor país do mundo, afinal, mudamos a cada 4 anos, e continua sempre a mesma coisa, o processo eleitoral é uma mentira, uma hipocresia democrática.
      Escolha quem escolher, vote em quem votar, nada vai mudar, é triste, desanimador, pessimista, mas é real. "Nossa que cara pessimista, que cara pra baixo" , não! Nada disso, realista eu diria. Pessoas com esse pensamento talvez devessem se tornar militantes de esquerda, para então tentar mudar as coisas. Será? A história recente do nosso país mostra que não é bem assim, militantes de esquerda são de esquerda até se tornarem Governo, depois tornam-se direita e assim por diante, é tudo jogo de interesses pessoais. São 531 deputados Federais, 81 senadores , ministros , acessores , isso só no federal sem contar os estaduais e municipais todos ou quase todos "Criminosos Legais", e quem entra com boas intenções acaba se corrompendo, ou no minimo recebe sem fazer nada.
      Basta pensar em alguns assuntos que são discutidos, reclamados durante decadas e não são votados:        Revisão do código penal, reforma politica, reforma tributaria, reforma agraria, Saúde, Educação Blá Blá Blá.
      Está achando exagero? Sabe quanto já pagamos de impostos este ano? Sabe que trabalhamos 4 do ano só para pagar impostos? Sabe que se tirássemos os impostos da gasolina ela podia ser vendida por R$ 0,90?   Veja o Impostômetro e saiba quanto já foi arrecadado.
      É isso oque penso, mas  acredito que cada um deve seguir suas convicções, afinal estamos em uma "democracia" não é?Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Lindsay Lohan -- In Custody, No Bail


    Lindsay Lohan is in custody ... after Judge Elden Fox shockingly denied her bail ... and Lindsay could be sitting there until October 22.

     Lindsay was in court because she failed two drug tests -- in one she tested positive for cocaine and the other for Adderall

    Judge Fox did not hear any argument from the lawyers before making his ruling.

    Lindsay was handcuffed in court before being taken into custody.

    story developing
    Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Mais uma Lista Ficha Suja Eleições 2010

    1- ABELARDO LUPION Deputado DEM-PR Sonegação Fiscal
    2 -ADEMIR PRATES Deputado PDT-MG Falsidade Ideológica
    3 -AELTON FREITAS Senador PR-MG Crime de Responsabilidade e Estelionato
    4 -AIRTON ROVEDA Deputado PPS-PR Peculato
    5 -ALBÉRICO FILHO Deputado PMDB-MA Apropriação Indébita
    6 -ALCESTE ALMEIDA Deputado PTB-RR Peculato e Formação de Quadrilha, Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    7 -ALEX CANZIANI Deputado PTB-PR Peculato
    8 -ALMEIDA DE JESUS Deputado PR-CE Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    9 -ALMIR MOURA Deputado DEM-RJ Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    10 -AMAURI GASQUES Deputado PR-SP Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    11 -ANDRÉ ZACHAROW Deputado PMDB-PR Improbidade Administrativa
    12 -ANÍBAL GOMES Deputado PMDB-CE Improbidade Administrativa
    13 -ANTERO PAES DE BARROS Senador PSDB-MT Improbidade Administrativa e Formação de Quadrilha
    14 -ANTÔNIO CARLOS PANNUNZIO Deputado PSDB-SP Crime de Responsabilidade
    15- ANTÔNIO JOAQUIM Deputado PSDB-MA Improbidade Administrativa
    16 -BENEDITO DE LIRA Deputado PP-AL Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    17- BENEDITO DIAS Deputado PP-AP Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    18 -BENJAMIN MARANHÃO Deputado PMDB-PB Crime Eleitoral
    19 -BISPO WANDERVAL Deputado PR-SP Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    20 -CABO JÚLIO (JÚLIO CÉSAR GOMES DOS SANTOS) Deputado PMDB-MG Crime Militar, Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    21 -CARLOS ALBERTO LERÉIA Deputado PSDB-GO Lesão Corporal
    22 -CELSO RUSSOMANNO Deputado PP-SP Crime Eleitoral, Peculato e Agressão
    24 -CIRO NOGUEIRA Deputado PP-PI Crime Contra a Ordem Tributária e Prevaricação
    25 -CLEONÂNCIO FONSECA Deputado PP-SE Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    26- CLÓVIS FECURY Deputado DEM-MA Crime Contra a Ordem Tributária
    27 -CORIALANO SALES Deputado DEM-BA Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    28 -DARCÍSIO PERONDI Deputado PMDB-RS Improbidade Administrativa
    29 -DAVI ALCOLUMBRE Deputado DEM-AP Corrupção Ativa
    30- DILCEU SPERAFICO Deputado PP-PR Apropriação Indébita
    31 -DOUTOR HELENO Deputado PSC-RJ Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    32 -EDSON ANDRINO Deputado PMDB-SC Crime de Responsabilidade
    33 -EDUARDO AZEREDO Senador PSDB-MG Improbidade Administrativa
    34 -EDUARDO GOMES Deputado PSDB-TO Crime Eleitoral, Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    35 -EDUARDO SEABRA Deputado PTB-AP Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    36 -ELIMAR MÁXIMO DAMASCENO Deputado PRONA-SP Falsidade Ideológica
    37 -EDIR DE OLIVEIRA Deputado PTB-RS Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    38- EDNA MACEDO Deputado PTB-SP Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    39- ELAINE COSTA Deputada PTB-RJ Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    40 -ELISEU PADILHA Deputado PMDB-RS Corrupção Passiva
    41- ENIVALDO RIBEIRO Deputado PP-PB Crime Contra a Ordem Tributária, Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    42 -ÉRICO RIBEIRO Deputado PP-RS Crime Contra a Ordem Tributária e Apropriação Indébita
    43 -FERNANDO ESTIMA Deputado PPS-SP Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    44 - FERNANDO GONÇALVES Deputado PTB-RJ Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    45 -GARIBALDI ALVES Senador PMDB-RN Crime Eleitoral
    46 -GIACOBO (FERNANDO LUCIO GIACOBO) Deputado PR-PR Crime Contra a Ordem Tributária e Seqüestro
    47 -GONZAGA PATRIOTA Deputado PSDB-PE Apropriação Indébita
    48 -GUILHERME MENEZES Deputado PT-BA Improbidade Administrativa
    49 -INALDO LEITÃO Deputado PR-PB Crime Contra o Patrimônio, Declaração Falsa de Imposto de Renda
    50 -INOCÊNCIO DE OLIVEIRA Deputado PMDB-PE Crime de Escravidão
    51- IRAPUAN TEIXEIRA Deputado PP-SP Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    52 -IRIS SIMÕES Deputado PTB-PR Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    53- ITAMAR SERPA Deputado PSDB-RJ Crime Contra o Consumidor, Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    54 -ISAÍAS SILVESTRE Deputado PSB-MG Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    55 -JACKSON BARRETO Deputado PTB-SE Peculato e Improbidade Administrativa
    56 -JADER BARBALHO Deputado PMDB-PA Improbidade Administrativa, Peculato, Crime Contra o Sistema Financeiro e Lavagem de Dinheiro
    57- JAIME MARTINS Deputado PR-MG Crime Eleitoral
    58 -JEFERSON CAMPOS Deputado PTB-SP Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    59- JOÃO BATISTA Deputado PP-SP Falsidade Ideológica, Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    60 - JOÃO CALDAS Deputado PR-AL Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    61 -JOÃO CORREIA Deputado PMDB-AC Declaração Falsa de Imposto de Renda, Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    62 -JOÃO HERRMANN NETO Deputado PDT-SP Apropriação Indébita
    63 -JOÃO MAGNO Deputado PT-MG Lavagem de Dinheiro
    64 -JOÃO MENDES DE JESUS Deputado PSB-RJ Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    65 -JOÃO PAULO CUNHA Deputado PT-SP Corrupção Passiva, Lavagem de Dinheiro e Peculato
    66 -JOÃO RIBEIRO Senador PR-TO Peculato e Crime de Escravidão
    67 -JORGE PINHEIRO Deputado PR-DF Crime Ambiental
    68 -JOSÉ DIVINO Deputado PRB-RJ Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    69 -JOSÉ JANENE Deputado PP-PR Estelionato, Improbidade Administrativa, Lavagem de Dinheiro, Corrupção Passiva, Formação de Quadrilha, Apropriação Indébita e Crime Eleitoral
    70 -JOSÉ LINHARES Deputado PP-CE Improbidade Administrativa
    71 -JOSÉ MENTOR Deputado PT-SP Corrupção Passiva
    72 -JOSÉ MILITÃO Deputado PTB-MG Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    73 -JOSÉ PRIANTE Deputado PMDB-PA Crime Contra o Sistema Financeiro
    74 -JOVAIR ARANTES Deputado PTB-GO Improbidade Administrativa
    75 -JOVINO CÂNDIDO Deputado PV-SP Improbidade Administrativa
    76 -JÚLIO CÉSAR Deputado DEM-PI Peculato, Formação de Quadrilha, Lavagem de Dinheiro e Falsidade Ideológica
    77 -JÚLIO LOPES Deputado PP-RJ Falsidade Ideológica
    78 -JÚNIOR BETÃO Deputado PR-AC Declaração Falsa de Imposto de Renda, Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    79 -JUVÊNCIO DA FONSECA Deputado PSDB-MS Improbidade Administrativa
    80 -LAURA CARNEIRO Deputada DEM-RJ Improbidade Administrativa e Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    81 -LEONEL PAVAN Senador PSDB-SC Contratação de Serviços Públicos Sem Licitação e Concussão
    82 -LIDEU ARAÚJO Deputado PP-SP Crime Eleitoral
    83 -LINO ROSSI Deputado PP-MT Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    84 -LÚCIA VÂNIA Senadora PSDB-GO Peculato
    85 -LUIZ ANTÔNIO FLEURY Deputado PTB-SP Improbidade Administrativa
    86 -LUPÉRCIO RAMOS Deputado PMDB-AM Crime de Aborto
    87 -MÃO SANTA Senador PMDB-PI Improbidade Administrativa
    88 -MARCELINO FRAGA Deputado PMDB-ES Crime Eleitoral, Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    89 -MARCELO CRIVELA Senador PRB-RJ Crime Contra o Sistema Financeiro e Falsidade Ideológica
    90 -MARCELO TEIXEIRA Deputado PSDB-CE Sonegação Fiscal
    91 -MÁRCIO REINALDO MOREIRA Deputado PP-MG Crime Ambiental
    92 -MARCOS ABRAMO Deputado PP-SP Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    93 -MÁRIO NEGROMONTE Deputado PP-BA Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    94 -MAURÍCIO RABELO Deputado PR-TO Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    95 -NÉLIO DIAS Deputado PP-RN Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    96 -NELSON BORNIER Deputado PMDB-RJ Improbidade Administrativa
    97 -NEUTON LIMA Deputado PTB-SP Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    98 -NEY SUASSUNA Senador PMDB-PB Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    99 -NILTON CAPIXABA Deputado PTB-RO Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    100 -OSMÂNIO PEREIRA Deputado PTB-MG Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    101 -OSVALDO REIS Deputado PMDB-TO Apropriação Indébita
    102 -PASTOR AMARILDO Deputado PSC-TO Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    103 -PAULO AFONSO Deputado PMDB-SC Peculato, Crime Contra o Sistema Financeiro e Improbidade Administrativa
    104 -PAULO BALTAZAR Deputado PSB-RJ Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    105 -PAULO FEIJÓ Deputado PSDB-RJ Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    106 -PAULO JOSÉ GOUVEIA Deputado PR-RS Porte Ilegal de Arma
    107 -PAULO LIMA Deputado PMDB-SP Extorsão e Sonegação Fiscal
    108 -PAULO MAGALHÃES Deputado DEM-BA Lesão Corporal
    109 -PEDRO HENRY Deputado PP-MT Formação de Quadrilha, Lavagem de Dinheiro e Corrupção Passiva, Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    110 -PROFESSOR IRAPUAN Deputado PP-SP Crime Eleitoral
    111 -PROFESSOR LUIZINHO Deputado PT-SP Lavagem de Dinheiro
    112 -RAIMUNDO SANTOS Deputado PR-PA Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    113 -REGINALDO GERMANO Deputado PP-BA Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    114 -REINALDO BETÃO Deputado PR-RJ Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    115 -REINALDO GRIPP Deputado PR-RJ Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    116 -REMI TRINTA Deputado PR-MA Estelionato e Crime Ambiental
    117 -RIBAMAR ALVES Deputado PSB-MA Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    118 -RICARDO BARROS Deputado PP-PR Sonegação Fiscal
    119 -RICARTE DE FREITAS Deputado PTB-MT Improbidade Administrativa e Formação de Quadrilha, Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    120 -RODOLFO TOURINHO Senador DEM-BA Gestão Fraudulenta de Instituição Financeira
    121 -ROMERO JUCÁ Senador PMDB-RR Improbidade Administrativa
    122 -ROMEU QUEIROZ Deputado PTB-MG Corrupção Ativa, Corrupção Passiva e Lavagem de Dinheiro
    124 -SANDRO MABEL Deputado PR-GO Crime Contra a Ordem Tributária
    125 -SUELY CAMPOS Deputada PP-RR Crime Eleitoral
    126 -TATICO (JOSÉ FUSCALDI CESÍLIO) Deputado PTB-DF Crime Contra a Ordem Tributária, Declaração Falsa de Imposto de Renda e Sonegação Fiscal
    127 -TETÉ BEZERRA Deputado PMDB-MT Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    128 -THELMA DE OLIVEIRA Deputada PSDB-MT Improbidade Administrativa e Formação de Quadrilha
    129 -VADÃO GOMES Deputado PP-SP Improbidade Administrativa e Crime Contra a Ordem Tributária
    130 -VALDIR RAUPP Senador PMDB-RO Peculato, Uso de Documento Falso, Crime Contra o Sistema Financeiro, Crime Eleitoral e Gestão Fraudulenta de Instituição Financeira
    131 -VALMIR AMARAL Senador PTB-DF Apropriação Indébita
    132 -VANDERLEI ASSIS Deputado PP-SP Crime Eleitoral, Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    133 -VIEIRA REIS Deputado PRB-RJ Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    134 -VITTORIO MEDIOLI Deputado PV-MG Sonegação Fiscal
    135 -WANDERVAL SANTOS Deputada PR-SP Corrupção Passiva
    136 -WELLINGTON FAGUNDES Deputada PR-MT Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    137 -ZÉ GERARDO Deputado PMDB-CE Crime de Responsabilidade
    138 -ZELINDA NOVAES Deputada DEM-BA Sanguessugas (Escândalo das Ambulâncias)
    139 -Ângela Guadagnin Deputada PT-SP Dançarina do Plenário da Câmara, comemorando absolvição de corrupto
    140 -Antônio Palocci Ex-Ministro PT-SP Quebra de Sigilo Bancário
    141 -Carlos Rodrigues Ex-Deputado PR-RJ Bispo Rodrigues
    142 -Delúbio Soares Tesoureiro PT-GO Ex Tesoureiro do PT
    143 -José Dirceu Ex-Deputado PT-SP Mensalão
    144 -José Genoíno Ex-Deputado PT-SP Mensalão, Dólares na Cueca
    145 -José Nobre Guimarães DeputadoEst. PT-CE Dólares na Cueca (Agora Candidato a Dep. Federal)
    146 -Josias Gomes Deputado PT-BA Mensalão, CPI dos Correios
    147 -Luiz Gushiken Ex-Ministro PT-SP CPI dos Correios
    148 -Paulo Salim Maluf Ex PPB-SP Corrupção, Falcatruas, Improbidade Administrativa, Desvio de Dinheiro Público, Lavagem de dinheiro
    149 -Paulo Pimenta Deputado PT-RS Compra de Votos, Mensalão, CPI Correios
    150 -Pedro Corrêa Ex-Deputado PP-PE Cassado em associação ao Escândalo do Mensalão, Compra de Votos
    151 -Roberto Brant Deputado DEM-MG Crime Eleitoral, Mensalão, CPI Correios
    152 -Roberto Jefferson Ex-Deputado PTB-RJ Mensalão
    153 -Severino Cavalcanti Ex-Deputado PP-PE Escândalo do Mensalinho (Renuncio para evitar a cassação)
    154 - Silvio Pereira SecretárioPT PT Mensalão
    155 -Valdemar Costa Neto Exc-Deputado PR-SP Mensalão (renunciou para evitar a cassação)Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Fichas sujas...

    Vou tentar dar uma contribuição ao processo eleitoral.


    Uma lista com os nomes dos gestores públicos que tiveram contas consideradas irregulares pelo Tribunal de Contas foi entregue, nesta quinta-feira (1°), ao Tribunal Regional Eleitoral (TRE). Isso não quer dizer que eles estejam inelegíveis, ou seja, não poderão participar da eleição. Mas, este ano, os candidatos precisam enfrentar os outros critérios da lei da ficha limpa.
    A lista dos candidatos Ficha Suja tem 1.157 nomes de políticos que tiveram as contas rejeitadas nos últimos oito anos. O documento foi entregue ao presidente do TRE, desembargador Roberto Ferreira LinsSource URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Mentir no curriculum pode virar crime

      Um novo projeto de lei que está no congresso, pretende transformar em crime aquela mentirinha que contamos no curriculum a pena varia de 2 meses a 2 anos de detenção.
    Irônico não? Porque nossos Deputados não fazem um projeto para transformar suas mentiras em crime? não sobraria um sequer.
      Evidente que dá até para entender, afinal quem é burro o bastante para fazer uma lei que vá colocá-lo na cadeia? Eles estão certos devem ter pensado: " VAMOS COLOCAR OS POBRES DESEMPREGADOS EM CANA" assim teremos menos desempregados nas ruas. Isso é muito mais fácil do que dar educação para que os desempregados não precisem mentir.
      Quero deixar bem claro que não sou a favor da mentira e sim totalmente contra o exagero da punição proposta.

    COMENTEM:Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Eminem - Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna

Twitcans ao vivo, Twittcam

    Abaixo você vê na hora quais twitcans estão ao vivo, basta clicar no link que está entre parênteses, não é no nome e sim no link da twitcam, simples assim.
    Twitcam Stream


    Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Spencer Pratt Arrested In Costa Rica

    Spencer Pratt was reportedly arrested in Costa Rica yesterday for illegal possession of a firearm, according to TMZ. Pratt was on his way back to the United States before he was stopped, booked at a local jail and later released.

    The reality TV star tweeted, "Costa Rican jail smells like children's tears. And soup. Delicious soup. If I knew the gov't was Team Jacob, I would've kept my mouth shut."

    Spencer also released the following statement on the matter:
      "As part of my spiritual cleansing I've spent the last week living alone in the jungle, reflecting on my past transgressions, and working to become a better person. I had to live off the land, and hunt to survive. As I departed the country this morning to continue my spiritual journey, I mistakenly brought my hunting weapons to the airport. It was an honest mistake, and theysentme on my way. On an unrelated note, I'm not allowed in the country anymore -- but that's because of the chicken incident."
    Hmm, wonder what Heidi Montag thinks of all this?
    Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Lady Gaga Leads The Pack At The 2010 MTV VMAs

    Lindsay Lohan made a brief appearance, Kanye West rapped about "douchebags," Lady GaGa sounded magnificent when she took the mic after winning her 8th and final award of the evening, and overall, Chelsea Handler did a pretty good job tonight at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards.

    In case you didn't catch the show, Lady Gaga won awards including Best Dance Video, Best Female Video, Best Pop Video, Video of the Year and Best Collaboration for “Telephone” with Beyonce, and she wore all sorts of intricate costumes for each acceptance speech.

    Rihanna had a rockin' good performance with Eminem (even though she told everyone she wasn't going to make it!) and towards the end of the show, it looked like RiRi and BFF Katy Perry were ready to get out and get their party on!

    Eminem won Best Male Video and Best Hip Hop video for “Not Afraid” and surprise, surprise, Justin Bieber won Best New Artist.Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Kris Jenner And Scott Disick Kiss And Make Up

    Kris Kardashian has made no secret of her disdain for Kourtney Kardashian's baby daddy in the past, but ever since Scott went to rehab, it seems he's back in the Kardashian family's good graces.

    Last night he even escorted the Kardashian matriarch, Kris Jenner, to Nobu in NYC while his lady love was busy promoting her new QVC line, K-Dash during Fashion's Night Out.

    Luckily, the event was a smashing success -- the ladies completely sold out!Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Report: Victoria Beckham Bans "Too Skinny" Models From New York Fashion Show

    Victoria Beckham kicked off her new collection last night during Fashion's Night Out at Bergdorf Goodman in New York City.

    In a sleek, shimmery and stunning dress designed by her, of course, that's draped to show off her shoulders, Victoria has been in Manhattan getting ready for the runway, unveiling her 2011 collection on the catwalks this week.

    But even though Posh is quite petite, she's apparently banned any size zeros from wearing her looks on the runway. She turned away 12 models she deemed "too skinny" from appearing in her show, according to The Daily Mirror.Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Katie Holmes Gets Romantic About Tom Cruise On Marie Claire

    31-year-old actress Katie Holmes is getting a second chance at fame! Well, movie star fame.

    Tom Cruise's wife graces the October cover of Marie Claire and opens up about her still-hot hubby: "Tom's as big at home as he is on the movie screen. He's so passionate about everything, whatever he's doing."

    And what about having more kids? "Maybe in a couple of years, but right now I want to make sure I'm really there for Suri," Katie says. The Romantics comes out in theaters this Friday.

    Meanwhile, Katie Holmes will be honored at Variety's Power of Women luncheon later this month, along with fellow actresses Natalie Portman and Jennifer Garner, to name a few.Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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FIRST PICTURES - Jennifer Aniston And Courteney Cox On Cougar Town

    We're loving the idea of a mini-Friends reunion with Courteney Cox and Jennifer Aniston on Cougar Town! Aniston, 41, is playing Bonnie ... a way-too-involved shrink to Cox's Cougar character Jules.

    This is the second time that the friends have starred together. Back in 2007, they shared screen time and a kiss on FX's Dirt.

    The Cougar Town episode featuring Aniston will air on September 22nd.Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Piers Morgan Takes Over For Larry King At CNN

    It's official! Piers Morgan has landed the coveted CNN time slot that has been held by Larry King for the past 25 years.

    The news organization made the long-awaited announcement today.
    Morgan, 45, will begin his new CNN job as host of a "candid, in-depth newsmaker interview program" in January. In a statement, Morgan had this to say about King:
      “I have watched Larry King Live for much of the last 25 years, and dreamed of one day filling the legendary suspenders of the man I consider to be the greatest TV interviewer of them all."
    Reports claim that Simon Cowell, Morgan's fellow judge on Britain's Got Talent, helped negotiate his multi-million dollar CNN deal.
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Judge To Snooki: You're A "Lindsay Lohan Wannabe"

    The Jersey Shore troublemaker got served!
    Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi, 22, pleaded guilty in court today - the reality TV starlet was charged with disorderly conduct - and fined $500, as well as ordered to perform community service, reports the AP.
    Judge Damian G. Murray lectured Snooki, too! Even going so far as to call her a "Lindsay Lohan wannabe."

    And that wasn't all:
      "Going through life rude, profane, obnoxious and self-indulgent – that's not the way you want to live your life. Hopefully this incident will impress upon you that there are consequences to your actions."
    Ouch! Think Snooki will be a better person now?Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Ben Affleck Promotes The Town In Another Town

    Ben Affleck joined his brother Casey in Italy where he's promoting his second directorial effort at the Venice Film Festival, the bank-robbing love story The Town.

    Posing with co-star Rebecca Hall, who actually resembles Affleck's wife Jennifer Garner.

    And with the positive reviews for his film, it seems as if Ben's career is hitting the high note again!

    With a great career, a gorgeous wife, and two adorable daughters, does Ben Affleck finally have it all?Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Lindsay Lohan Keeps Her Chin Up At Court

    A chipper and casually dressed Lindsay Lohan arrived at the Santa Monica courthouse this morning to meet with her probation officer, and rather than rolling up in her Maserati, the starlet was chauffeured to her meeting in a black SUV.

    We asked about her upcoming album (you know, the one Samantha Ronson will produce), but the Machete star wouldn't reveal whether or not her big comeback will be tied to the revival of her music career...Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Ashley Greene Shows Joe Jonas What He's Missing While She's Away Shooting LOL In Paris

    Ashley Greene showed off her gorgeous gams in a pair of Daisy Dukes as she takes a day off from shooting LOL with Miley Cyrus to hang out in Paris while boyfriend Joe Jonas ran for charity this morning in Florida.

    Perhaps she wanted to show Joe what he was missing while she was almost 5,000 miles away!

    The Twilight beauty was looking just as fit and fab as ever as she greeted her French fans. And it seems they've made just as much an impression on her as she has on them!

    "To all of you I've had the chance to meet in Paris.. I'm Blown away by your love and support," she tweeted. "You've made my trip so much more memorable. Xx"

    I guess all that "love and support" makes it easier for her to be away from boyfriend Joe Jonas!Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Paris Hilton -- First Photo Since Cocaine Arrest

Extortion Charges Dropped in John Travolta Case

    A judge in the Bahamas has dropped the charges in the extortion case involving John Travolta ... at the actor's request.

    The two defendants -- Tarino Lightbourne and Pleasant Bridgewater -- were charged with trying to allegedly get millions from John in return for keeping an ambulance waiver secret on the day Jett died.

    The first trial resulted in a mistrial.  Travolta now says he does not want to return to the Bahamas a year later to revisit the tragedy, adding, "The first trial in this matter resulted in a heavy emotional toll on my family."

    Travolta, who with wife Kelly Preston are expecting a boy, goes on:  "It was finally time to put this matter behind us ... I concluded that it was in my family's best interest for me not to voluntarily return to the Bahamas to testify a second time at trial."

    An official from the Bahamas tells us prosecutors still have the option to file the case again ... but without the cooperation of the alleged victim it's highly unlikely.Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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David Hasselhoff On Dancing With The Stars: "This Is Not The Easiest Thing I've Ever Done"

    David Hasselhoff, carrying a pair of blue suede shoes as he left the Dancing With The Stars rehearsal, told photogs that non-stop dancing practice with partner Kym Johnson "is not the easeist thing I've ever done."

    Hasselhoff, who isn't even the oldest contestant this season (Florence Henderson has that honor) should be in great shape for the show, since he's been spending the summer performing with his daughters in Europe, but I guess even the Hoff can't handle 8 hours of dancing!

    The former Baywatch star said he was going to hit the beach after sweating his butt off in the studio, where he had to return the next day promptly at 7am. No rest for the weary!Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Lindsay Lohan Remains Positive Despite Being Knocked Off The Top Spot At The Box Office

    Lindsay Lohan got a good start on Friday, but ultimately George Clooney's new flick The American outperformed hers this weekend, with $13 million to Machete's $11.3 million. Takers earned $11.5 million, bumping Machete to the number three spot at the box office, but there's still time for the film to accumulate more money in ticket sales, and Lindsay is certainly proud of her work!

    The actress, who hasn't been tweeting much lately, wrote on her Twitter account over the weekend, "Its a beautiful day in la to have a hit film!!! Congrats to all of the cast, crew, & production team of #MACHETE !! Danny Trejo is fantastic." Lindsay added on Friday, "I'm so grateful to be a part of such a wonderful cast & experience! It's such a blessing!", so even though she wasn't exactly invited to the premiere, she's definitely doing her part to promote the flick and be positive!Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Pamela Anderson Strips Down For Nokia

    Now THIS is how you sell a phone! Pamela Anderson has stripped down to her lacy skivvies for the launch of Nokia's soon-to-be-released N8 handset.

    Along with the sexy campaign is a competition in which a lucky winner will be chosen to film a bedroom scene with the former Baywatch babe, 43, for a short film called The Commuter. Sign me up!

    Speaking of phones ... looks like the person doing the photoshop work is on speed dial!Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Wyclef Jean Disses Sean Penn For Criticism Of Haiti Presidential Bid, Accuses Him Of "Sniffing Cocaine"

    After Sean Penn and former Fugees bandmate Praswell criticized Wyclef Jean's bid to run for president of Haiti, the MC is firing back in a big way.

    "I got a message for Sean Penn: Maybe he ain't see me in Haiti because he was too busy sniffing cocaine," Wyclef sang during Hot 97's On The Reggae Tip concert Friday. (Penn said he hadn't seen Wyclef on the ground in Haiti during Sean's six month earthquake relief mission.)

    As for Pras, "even though you don't want to support me, I got love for you, even though you only kicked 8 bars in the Fugees," he sang, switching out the lyrics to his song "President."

    Wyclef was deemed ineligible to run for president of Haiti after a board determined he was not a resident.Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Jim Toth Hangs With Reese Witherspoon And Her Kids

    On Saturday, Jim Toth joined Reese Witherspoon and her kids Ava and Deacon at Ojai restaurant, and the foursome looked like one happy family when we spotted them leaving with a pizza box. Jim and Reese have been dating for over six months now, and though Reese has stayed pretty mum on her relationship with the talent agent, it sure seems like things are very serious between the two of them!

    More serious than they were with Jake Gyllenhaal even?Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Joe Jackson -- Spankings Kept Michael Out of Gangs

    The interview with Joe was shot by Jacksonsecretvault.com over the summer and will be used as part of a movie Katherine Jackson is producing with Howard Mann.

    The interviewer asks Joe what he thinks about Michael's past comments about Joe's parenting -- alluding to allegations of physical abuse. Joe says, "I had to be like that because when raising him, in those days, so many gangs out there getting into trouble, going to jail. Most of them are dead now. He didn't have to worry about that."

    The interviewer also asked if Joe had any regrets, "No! They tried to make a big issue when I spanked Michael or some of the kids, ya know? Just like they didn't spank their kids when they did wrong. The media twists everything."Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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NFL team drops former Heisman winner

    As expected, Arizona Cardinals quarterback Matt Leinart lost his job today.

    And before you think, "Well, Leinart went to USC and was coached by Pete Carroll, so Leinart will land in Seattle," keep in mind that just-released quarterback Patrick Ramsey, formerly of the Saints, played for the Denver Broncos in 2007 and 2008 when current offensive coordinator Jeremy Bates was there. Ramsey seems a more reasonable option.

    The Seahawks also acquired Eagles lineman Stacy Andrews and lost legendary line coach Alex Gibbs to an apparent retirement.Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Kanye West Still Tweeting His Apologies To Taylor Swift

    Almost exactly a year after Kanye West charged the stage at the MTV Video Music Awards and snatched the mic from Taylor Swift's hands as she was accepting her win for Best Female Video, he's still apologizing.

    The outspoken rapper took to his Twitter account earlier today to babble about how sorry he is and how he deserves all the flack he's gotten, writing, "When I woke up from the crazy nightmare I looked in the mirror and said GROW UP KANYE ... I take the responsibility for my actions ... I am not a bad person. Even in that moment I was only trying to do good but people don't always need my help."

    Kanye added, "If you google a**hole my face may very well pop up 2 pages into the search", and while we're glad to see he has a strong sense of remorse, we kinda wish he'd put a cork in it!Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Mayweather apologizes for racist tirade

    Floyd Mayweather Jr. took to the Internet again on Friday, this time to apologize for a profanity-filled racist rant against Manny Pacquiao that he recorded on uStream.com Thursday.

    Mayweather continued to mispronounce Pacquiao’s surname, repeatedly referring to him as “Pooch-ee-ow.” But a day after making racist and homophobic comments on uStream, Mayweather offered an apology to those who were offended.Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Taylor Lautner Wins $40,000 Settlement, Donates The Money To Charity

    Taylor Lautner reached a settlement with a California-based RV company yesterday, and the Twilight star intends to donate the $40,000 he was awarded to charity.

    Lautner purchased a trailer from McMahon's RV to use while filming Abduction, but the trailer was not delivered by the requested date of June 21, so Lautner sued the company for breach of contract and fraud.Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Kara DioGuardi has been fired from "American Idol"

    FOX is telling people that Kara DioGuardi  has been fired from "American Idol" ... actually, FOX isn't using the word "fired," but that's exactly what happened.

    In a statement released by FOX, DioGuardi said, "I felt like I won the lottery when I joined 'American Idol' two years ago, but I feel like now is the best time to leave 'Idol.'"

    As we first reported, FOX decided long ago to 86 DioGuardi but kept her in the dark until recently.

    As we reported yesterday, the last touches are being put on the Jennifer Lopez deal, it should be finalized next week.Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Kendra Wilkinson Offers Parenting Advice To Laurence Fishburne

    In a radio interview this morning, Kendra Wilkinson was asked her opinion on the Montana Fishburne situation. She shared what advice she'd give to Laurence Fishburne to help him deal with his daughter:

    “He has to be there for her. He has to say "F" all, "F" Hollywood. And he has to learn to be there for his daughter.

    “Just because she does what she does that porn, he has to get back down to earth and realize who my daughter really is. Is she a good person?"

    “hey that’s what happens when a girl turns 18. When someone turns 18, they have the freedom to do and choose what they want to. It's your job as a parent to at least have them be a good person.”

    She says that Montana's situation is not quite like hers, since she didn't know about her sex tape and Montana went out knowing and wanting to make a porn movie.

    “kinda different... ’cuz she kinda went in there knowing.”

    Her thought is that Montana will come around eventually:

    “For Laurence Fishburne's daughter, she'll probably end up doing what I did and that's waking up, and finding out what's real in her life.”Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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First Look At Bristol Palin And Her Fellow Dancing With The Stars Partner

Katy Perry Will Apply For Dual Citizenship After Marrying Brit Russell Brand

    Katy Perry may be a California Gurl but her heart also belongs to England!

    The Teenage Dream singer says she's going to apply for British citizenship after marrying fiance Russell Brand.

    "When I get married next month, one of the first things I'll do is apply for dual citizenship," Katy said while in the UK promoting her new album, calling England her "second home."

    But she may not qualify right away. She'll have to prove that she's lived in the UK for at least three years after becoming Mrs. Brand to become a British subject, reports The Sun. And considering that 3.25 million dollar home the funnyman purchased for Katy here in LA, we hope she won't become a permanent English transplant like Madonna!

    Can you imagine Katy with a British accent?Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Lindsay Lohan Stroller Accident -- No Harm, No Foul

    The eyewitness -- a photographer -- says Lindsay was leaving her apartment building Wednesday (not yesterday) and was turning onto Holloway Drive with a green light. The photog says Lindsay "ever-so-slightly tapped the stroller -- like 1 mile an hour."

    The photog says Lindsay pulled over, asked the nanny pushing the stroller if everything was okay and was told everyone and everything was fine, so she drove off.

    The story conflicts with the photogs who shot video after the incident. One of them -- Brayan Jaime said Lindsay ran a red light and called the impact "a major hit" ... causing 3 wheels on the stroller to leave the ground. Jaime says Lindsay fled the scene.

    So far ... no one has gone to the West Hollywood Sheriff's Department to file a report.Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Jennifer Aniston & Harry Morton: Allegedly Dating!

    Jennifer Aniston and Harry Morton. Now that's a couple we didn't see coming, but fully support. We love the annual Harry Morton sighting at THG.

    The Hard Rock Cafe heir, Pink Taco CEO and ex-boyfriend of Lindsay Lohan was ID'd
    as the mysterious new man having dinner with her this week. The Switch star and Morton were apparently flirting while dining at the Sunset Tower hotel. She was seen touching his arm several times.

    Eyewitnesses say Aniston looked "a little nervous, putting her hair up in a loose bun and laughing at everything" the 29-year-old Harry Morton said. Proving chivalry isn't dead, the gentleman picked up the tab before jumping in his Jeep. He tried to cover his face to avoid being photographed.

    Jennifer Aniston, who's recently been linked to John Mayer (again) discreetly slipped out the back under tight hotel security to avoid paparazzi.Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Angelina Jolie Brings The Twins To Visit Brad Pitt On Set

    Angelina Jolie was snapped taking twins Vivienne and Knox to see Brad Pitt at the studio yesterday during his lunch break, and it looks like the actor was in for a sweet surprise!
    Angie and the twins only stayed for 30 minutes a photog mentioned.

      "Angelina was totally hands-on. She didn't have a nanny with her -- she carried in Knox and then came back to the chauffeured car for Viv. Angie was in such a good mood and the kids seemed so happy. At one point, Vivienne pushed her blanket into her mom's mouth and Angelina just laughed and went along with it. She loves to play with the kids and has a really good sense of humor with them."
    Awww!Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Jesse James And Kat Von D Take Their Relationship Out In The Open

    Jesse James and Kat Von D have been trying to keep their relationship undercover for months, but after we snapped them holding hands together in Texas, the Monster Garage and LA Ink stars decided to stop hiding and stepped out together last night at her Wonderland Gallery opening in Hollywood!

    And just in case you were still wondering if there was anything going on between the tattooed lady and Sandra Bullock's ex, last night Von D told reporters, "Yes, we're together—duh!"

    Kat's also been gushing about her new relationship (which, despite having met him years ago is still pretty young) to anyone who asks, which, considering Jesse's track record, might be ill-advised!

    Photogs asked James as he was leaving the event if he regrets cheating on Sandra. Jesse stayed mum, but he seems pretty content with Kat, so maybe the answer is no?Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Oksana to Mel: Our Baby Needs More $$$$$

    Oksana Grigorieva is asking the judge to make  Mel Gibson buck up -- WAAY up -- by increasing her monthly child support from $5,000 a month to more than $40,000.

    Mel currently pays Oksana the tidy sum of $5,000 a month in child support for baby Lucia, and also pays for the Sherman Oaks house where they live.  But we're told Oksana  now wants nearly 10 times what she currently gets.

    Here's what's interesting.  Our sources say Oksana gets $2,500 a month in child support from Timothy Dalton -- the father of her 13-year-old son Alexander. 

    It's a tough sell convincing Judge Scott Gordon that a 9 month old baby needs nearly 20 times more money than a 13 year old boy.

    One source scoffed, "Lifestyle is not an issue for a 9-month-old. Think she knows the difference between a Ford and a Bentley?"

    We're told Judge Gordon has not ruled on Oksana's petition for more dough.  Holding breath -- not advisable.Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Miley Cyrus And Justin Bieber: Just Friends?

    Like this isn't every tween fan's dream! Let's break it down: Disney sweet-tart Miley Cyrus is suddenly single, Justin Bieber does like older women and don't think a.) it's impossible or b.) that it's never happened before...
    Remember Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake? When they united, the two pop stars - also roughly one year apart in age - became Hollywood's hottest young power couple!

    Take a look at the facts. Earlier this week, Justin admitted his dream co-star for the Grease remake: none other than Ms. Miley! "She can sing, dance and act. I would go for Miley Cyrus without hesitation," he declared. If that isn't crushing then I dunno what is.

    Then last night, Miley showed up onstage with Justin for his big MSG concert (which was being filmed for the tween star's upcoming 3-D biopic), sending both of their fans into a frenzy. According to reports, the crowd went wild whenever the two made any sort of physical contact with each other. Hey, wouldn't you?

    Miley and Justin even went on a dinner date together (see right) back in May of this year, but Bieber insisted they were "just hanging out." Of course, Miley was also dating Aussie hunk Liam Hemsworth at the time and now she's not!
    Don't they sound like a perfect fit? They have everything in common! Plus she's slightly older and knows the biz that much better, and as for Justin, well, Justin replaced the Jonas brothers... one of which was Miley's first love!
    So, should Miley Cyrus date Justin Bieber? Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake 2.0!Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Vanessa Hudgens Has A Fender-Bender

    Vanessa Hudgens got into a little fender-bender yesterday while leaving a CVS pharmacy in Studio City.

    The Sucker Punch starlet got all loose and relaxed at yoga before she hit the store -- then hit another car!
    Photogs on the scene say 'Nessa backed her car out into a lane of traffic, where she smashed into an oncoming vehicle. Vanessa wouldn't get out of her car to exchange information with the driver of the car that had significantly more damage than her black Audi, instead rolling her window down to make him come to her.

    But maybe the man was starstruck, because he didn't seem too concerned. In fact he didn't even call the cops! They exchanged insurance info and then went their separate ways.Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Rapper T.I. And His Wife Busted For Drug Possession

    So much for newlywed bliss!

    Rapper T.I. and his wife Tameka "Tiny" Cottle (who were married on July 30) were arrested on Wednesday for possession of a controlled substance in West Hollywood. Police reportedly smelled marijuana coming from their car and placed them under arrest. T.I. (nee Clifford Harris Jr.) and Cottle were booked on felony possession and they posted $10,000 bail and were released this morning.

    Police won't say what the substance was, but it's being reported that it's something besides marijuana, so it's not looking good for the rapper or his lady love! T.I. is still on probation after serving seven months in prison for a weapons conviction, and this is not the first time he's been arrested on drug-related charges.Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Joint Found In Paris Hilton's Car After Arrest For Cocaine Possession

    After Paris Hilton was arrested for cocaine possession in Las Vegas over the weekend, police searching Hilton and boyfriend Cy Waits' black Escalade found a suspected joint in the car, according to new paperwork.

    A Las Vegas police officer noted in the arrest report that the "vehicle inventor turned up a 'roach', white piece of rolled paper w/green leafy [substance] inside ... it was wet and unable to be tested." According to Waits' arrest report, the officer pulled up next to the SUV after smelling "marijuana coming out of the vehicle," and after that Waits "stated he just got done smoking."

    Hilton has been banned from the two Wynn resorts, and the hotel has confirmed that Waits was fired from his position as managing partner of the Tryst Nightclub at Wynn and XS The Nightclub at Encore. A spokesman for the hotel released the following statement: "Cy Waits has been separated from the company and is free to pursue other interests. Wynn has no further comment on this matter."Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Jessica Alba And Her Runaway Train

    So many dresses, so many premieres!

    Jessica Alba attended another premiere of Machete last night -- this time at the 67th Venice International Film Festival, but this dress is a marked improvement over the fug floral frock she wore to the photo call earlier in the day. We're thrilled to see that Jess is showing off her bangin' bod, but what's with the train in the back???Source URL: https://newinsightsblogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/
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Maksim Chmerkovskiy Flirts With His Dancing With The Stars Partner

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            While I'm more excited to see David Hasselhoff, Bristol Palin and The Situation dance their butts off on the newest season of Dancing With the Stars, Maksim Chmerkovskiy and Brandy might actually win this year!
    And Maksim wouldn't be Maksim if he didn't have a speculated romance with his dance partner - check out the flirty duo making cute for the camera in Hollywood last night. Gotta give their fans something juicy to talk about!
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